Sunday, May 15, 2011

Being a good buyer

So this past week I learned a very good lesson that I thought I would share. That is that when buying anything on-line its important to read what your buying and what your not buying. Now I don't usually have this problem as I read everything to make sure I'm getting what I expect to get, however when buying services its different.
I love Etsy!! I love that people are selling their creativity and their skills. Its a wonderful place and I use it to sell and buy items. I recently purchased some design work from a fellow esty-ian and I made the mistake of not reading what I was buying carefully enough. I though I was going to get a custom etsy banner based on the custom logo that I had already purchased. Seems simple enough how ever what I missed was that is was based on a predetermine format. So when the final product was delivered it wasn't what I thought it would be and I really didn't care for it. It was not something I would use and over all just not my thing. I expressed my dislike and we canceled the transaction. I will not name who it was as I have great respect and still love their work.
So basically what did I learn and share to make buying better?
1. Don't purchase until after I ask all my questions.
2. If what you get doesn't meet your exception's be respectful when dealing with the seller, they want to work with you to resolve it.
3. When asking for custom work the information you supply the better.
4. Proof read everything more than once before sign off on the transaction.

Of course we all make mistakes and some mistakes can be avoided but above all respect those that are selling their services or wares.

Happy shopping to all and remember read what your buying before you purchase!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Storage from the Hardware Store

Happy belated Mothers Day to everyone! Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I recently needed some more storage for all my supplies. I looked at what was being offered by some of the on-line supply stores and was thinking that there is no way I was going to pay 40.00 for plastic. So when my son mentioned that my bead box looked just like his fishing box(and why was I using it) It got me thinking that there has to be other items out on the market that I can use. So a nice chat with the hubby and he said...oh yea but it won't be pretty and purple(my fav color)
I have to say I'm impressed with the storage containers I picked up at Harbor Freight and I'm thrilled that they only cost 7.95 each (the ones I bought were on clearance and I can't pass up that great of a deal)
So that is one version that I picked up that is still availbe. Now I can see what I have in the containers and it makes pulling out just what I'm going to use a lot easier.

So if you are looking for great storage idea's.....and saving money at the same time, check out your local hardware store. It's sure to have something you can use!

Happy crafting....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

I'm Back

It's been a while since I've last posted and if you check out my Etsy shop you will see I've been busy beading away! I've been really lucky that people are liking what I'm making and they have been keeping me busy with custom orders!

What I have found recently is that people are planning get together with family and friends. Small events where it may be just sisters getting together or college roommates getting together and they want a small gift to give to each other. Are you planning something this coming year? What are some great gift ideas? Well bracelets are always a hit and whats nice about that is you can pick a color and they will be built around that. All that are sort of the same but different just like you and your friends. Always fun to make these types of projects.
I was lucky and received from a good friend some beads she found on her vacation. She was kind enough to pick them up for me and I've had them sitting on my bead board for a while trying to decide what I like with them and what cool things can I make. I made the above necklace and I love it. These pretty goldstone teardrops focal beads are so pretty, I paired them goldstone rounds and Czech dark amber sparkle beads with copper spacers. So Pretty and it will look great with multi print items. With summer coming and those wonderful summer dresses this will make you the bell of the ball!!

I also like simple designs and with these cool beads I made the a simple pendant on a copper chain...easy peasy. Will go great with jeans and t-shirt.

Hope you have a great week and don't forget to check out my etsy site for more great items!
 K F Heil Designs


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Mornings

The last few weeks my hubby has been working weekends so I have the mornings to myself. I spend this time watching sappy chic flicks or lifetime. I'm a sap at heart. I enjoy this simple pleasure. It is a small pleasure but one that I gladly give up with he comes home to spend time with him and let him relax.
So at this time of year when people are falling all over themselves to speak of love it makes me look at my relationship. I love my husband and not in a grand over the top way, but in a easy its all about the small things way. I love that he does the dishes. I love that he makes me laugh and calls me on my shit. He knows me in a way that few do and he loves me despite all my faults. I love that he's kind and will anything for his children.I love doing small things for him..making coffee for him every morning and he always thanks me for doing so. Making breakfast on the weekends and making sure that he has what he needs. Our love isn't flowers and candies its working together and supporting each other and being there and showing up. We put in the time and the effort and it works.
So who do you love? How do you love? Dare to be happy with who you are and to be with someone who really see's you and wants the best for you. Someone who is willing to fight for you and with you.
So I'm off to make hubby some egg salad (he loves the stuff) and watch my sappy chick flick.

Happy Sunday

Friday, January 21, 2011

Baby its Cold Outside

Its so cold out, tonight they say we again be below zero and that just means more time spent in the house. So with all this time on my hands what else can I do but create some more jewelry!! I'm intriged by the how the cold makes wonderful ice patterns on our door and at night they just sparkle. So my new necklace is lonnnnng with Silver hammered circles connected to silver sparkly beads and some black jade beads just to break it up some. I will be posting pictures tomorrow.
The cold also reminds me that this the time nature takes to sleep and rest itself and in some ways that's the mode I'm in. I'm looking at what I have and what I need to flourish and grow. So while I may not be creating tons of new pieces I'm taking stock in what I need and where I want to go with journey.
So enjoy the cold this weekend with a good book, some good company and a little shopping on etsy!

Oh and GO PACK GO!!!!

Check out my etsy store: